Thursday, October 8, 2015

New Progress at Track and Softball Fields

New asphalt has been laid

Close up of the Press Box

Softball complex with two new softball fields

See a difference? Everything in white is the newly replaced high school roof

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Field Work at the High School

Renovations to the High School Track

Future High School Softball Complex

Finished Flooring

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Coming Soon. Expect Success.

Simpson Construction Services joins USD 379 Clay County School and SPT Architecture to provide Construction Management at Risk services for construction projects associated with the bond vote the School District passed in November 2014.

Construction projects include a new FEMA shelter, HVAC upgrades, lighting upgrades, roof replacements, door and window replacements, a new track, track resurfacing and softball complex, auditorium renovation, and flooring replacement.